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Your Tooth Enamel is Your Dental Armor

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If your teeth were pearly white knights, your tooth enamel would be their shining armor. The enamel loyally guards your teeth against bacterial invaders and hard debris with compacted crystals that shelter the exterior of each tooth. The enamel on each tooth is a sentinel for the other, more vulnerable parts of your teeth. Would you like to learn what it does to protect you every day? Read on.

Your tooth enamel is the firmest and most highly mineralized substance in your body. It is mostly composed of hydroxyapatite, but contains other minerals as well. Its structure is composed from densely fused crystals that have natural tints of yellow or grey. Your dentin, the layer under the enamel, mostly gives your teeth their color, but your enamel adds the reflective shine to your smile.

If you want your teeth to survive your enamel is vital. It is not made from living tissue, so it cannot heal itself if it is damaged. That means that you need to work your hardest to protect it. Listed here are some enamel building tips:

— Eat the right foods: Avoid sugary or acidic foods and hard candy. Eat cheese, apples, carrots, milk, and walnuts.

— Brush and Floss: You know the classic dental rule: Brush twice a day and floss once. This will destroy plaque and create an extra frontline of defense against further bacteria: fluoride.

— Fluoride Treatment: To further build that extra line of defense, come into Szmanda Dental Edgar semiannually and get your teeth treated with fluoride. To make an appointment with our office in Edgar, Wisconsin, call 715-352-2700

We owe a lot to our enamel. Protect your enamel so it can guard your teeth in return. Keep brushing, flossing, eating right, and make sure to come into Szmanda Dental Edgar for fluoride treatments.