Oral and throat cancers are one of the most severe oral health ailments that can plague your mouth. The 5-year survival rate for individuals diagnosed with oral and throat cancer is barely 60%. Thus, it is important to always look for signs and symptoms of oral cancer, and receive oral cancer screenings as needed. Listed below are a few common symptoms to watch for:
– Look for symptoms of white, red, or speckled patches inside your mouth.
– If your mouth is recurrently bleeding, including unexplained bouts of bleeding, oral cancer may be present.
– Look for indications of visible damage to your facial area, including abnormal swelling and thickenings, rough spots, crust, eroded areas, lumps or bumps, or other visual abnormalities to your gums, lips, and any areas inside your mouth.
– Throat soreness, including chronic sore throats, are a known symptom of oral cancer.
– Always look for signs of unexplained numbness, any loss of feeling or sensation in your facial areas, as well as any pain or tenderness in your mouth.
– If you have any problems with routine functions of your mouth, including chewing and swallowing, as well as moving your jaw and tongue, visit your dentist.
– A known symptom of cancer involves unexplained weight loss.
– If there are any sores on your face, neck, or mouth that frequently bleed and will not heal within two weeks, oral cancer may be the cause.
If you are looking to keep tabs on your oral health with oral cancer screenings at Szmanda Dental Edgar, you are welcome to set up an appointment with one of our experienced dentists, Dr. John Felkner and Dr. John Cronkrite, at our dentist office. Contact us at 715-352-2700. We are here to serve as your dentist in Edgar, Wisconsin to give you the oral health care you need.