While your child is ecstatic about trick-or-treating, their smile is terrified. This is because Halloween is a night of countless amounts of sugary treats and numerous threats from enamel erosion and tooth decay. Now, it’s OK if your child trick-or-treats, but it’s important to do all you can to ensure a healthy Halloween smile so you and your child don’t suffer the consequences later. Our dentist, Dr. Nichols and Cronkrite, is happy to help you do so by giving you the tips you need.
-Try to feed your child a solid, satisfying meal before they go trick-or-treating. If your child is full when they leave the house, they won’t be tempted to fill up on candy.
-In addition to the first tip, try to encourage your child to choose non-sticky candy that is easier to eat before they head out the door. This is recommended because sticky candy clings to the teeth and promotes dental issues.
-If your child comes home with sour treats, make sure they only eat a few that night and save the rest for another day. Sour candies can cause enamel erosion (the process of weakening and wearing away the enamel) because they have acid, so the fewer sour candies they consume, the better.
-When your child is done trick-or-treating, make sure they don’t eat their candy all at once. It’s best if they only eat a few pieces and save the rest for later. After they eat their pieces, make sure they thoroughly brush their teeth or drink a glass of water.
For more information and details about how to help your child have a healthy Halloween smile in Edgar, Wisconsin, please reach out to our dental team at Szmanda Dental Edgar when you get the chance. We will be more than happy to help you if you just call 715-352-2700 today!